PET Scans Now Available at BCMH in Partnership with Shared Medical Services

When patients are escorted into Shared Medical Services’ mobile unit for PET scan imaging, their testing takes place in a comfortable, environmentally-controlled space.
Bates County Memorial Hospital now offers PET scanning thanks to a partnership with Shared Medical Services, a provider of mobile PET/CT services. Their certified, self-contained system is housed in a tractor trailer conveniently parked next to the hospital two days a month.
PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scans are beneficial for diagnosing a variety of conditions including heart disease and brain disorders, but they are most often used in detecting and monitoring cancer. Oncologists use PET scans to monitor whether their patient’s current cancer treatments are working or if the cancer has come back, is spreading, or is in remission.
The ability to easily access the services and treatments cancer patients need close to home, like imaging services or chemotherapy is a big help, especially for patients who don’t have reliable transportation, or for those who feel weak, ill or are experiencing other symptoms from their cancer treatments.
What to Expect
After going through registration at BCMH for your PET scan, a radiologic tech will escort you to the mobile unit outdoors, using a wheelchair when needed, and safely assisted into the unit by means of a lift.
Before a PET scan begins, the radiologic technologist injects a radioactive tracer into a vein in the hand or arm. This tracer acts to show normal and abnormal activity in your body. For instance, cancer cells are revealed on a PET scan as bright spots because their metabolic rate is higher than normal cells. In some cases, these tracers can show the presence of disease at an earlier stage than they would appear on a CT scan or MRI.
Once a PET scan has begun, a typical test will take about 10-20 minutes. During this time, you will be asked to remain as still as possible. A PET scan does not cause pain, but staff will do their best to make you comfortable with pillows and blankets. You can communicate with them at any time if you feel uncomfortable or claustrophobic.
Scheduling for PET Scans at BCMH
PET Scans are ordered by your primary care provider or specialist. For scheduling, call 660-200-2370.
For more information about PET scanning services at BCMH, call Chris Pope, Director of Imaging Services, 660-200-7110.